Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Starting a Prosperity Challenge

Want to know who's who in Silvervale? Check out the Profile Pages! -------------->(updated May 20, 2010)
Welcome to Silvervale! Here's the hood at the end of Round 7!

Click to see bigger

The Main page was getting cluttered! Now that Blogger has added static pages, it makes it much easier to keep things somewhat organized without having to forward-date posts and keep them at the top. Anyway, I've set up pages for: Past Rounds' Table of Contents; the Score Sheets; and Silvervale Profile Pages. The Current Round entries is still listed at the bottom of this post. I'm planning to start doing some round recaps so that new readers don't have to read every individual entry to catch up if they don't want to... that's the next project on the list.

Looking for Rounds 1-10? TOC here!
Round 11
Pushard: Far East Vacation
Teer (1): Passtimes
Eich (1): Popular
Devivio (1): Moving Home
Hoppes (1):Top Notch
University Part 1: Debauchery
Devivio (2): Love at First Sight
Devivio (3): True Love
Devivio (4): Growing up
Eich (2): Too Cute
Teer (2): Over Exposure
Wade: The Teen Scene
University Part 2: Debauchery DeuxCormier: Under-achieving
Devivio (5): Family Matters
Hoppes (2): Daddy's Girl
*Cooper/Tanaka: Uptown Girl
*Lee: One Track Mind
*Devivio (6): Pleasurable Pursuits
*Smith: Rough Start

Round 11 Recap
Round 12:
Pushard: Tough Choices
Teer (1): Rockin' Out
Eich (1): Caught Red Handed
Devivio (1): MOAR babies
Hoppes (1): Are you Feelin' Lucky?
Devivio (2): Puppy Love
Devivio (3)
Devivio (4)
Eich (2):
Teer (2):
Devivio (5):
Hoppes (2):
Devivio (6):
*Devivio (7):

Some arbitrary rules I'm setting for myself:

  • Starting in Round 8, lots will be played for 5 sims days, uni will be played 2 years at a time. Each uni household will have a separate update scattered throughout the round. (this is an experiment I might go back to 7)

  • Starting in Round 8 I will be drawing slips from JavaJan's Jar Challenge. I reserve the right to add or omit slips in accordance with the Prosperity Rules (i.e. I will not have slips like killing off sims) or if i feel like it.

  • Teens will be sent to uni when they have 3-5 days left on their age meter before turning into adults if a) they have a LTW that requires a uni degree b) if they have the want when they are due to be sent... if they don't meet one of these criteria, they may not go

  • The oldest male child in the household will become heir, if there are no male children, the heir will be the youngest female. If there are male twins, the one with the most "stable" aspiration will become heir (stability ranks: family, knowledge, fortune, popularity, pleasure, romance) -- this may also change depending on population expansion

  • If there is a placeholder servo/sim on the lot (when a heir is off at uni) that lot will be excluded from the rounds until the heir returns to the neighborhood, similarly, if there is a placeholder at uni it will be excluded from the round until there are neighborhood YA's attending

  • I have InTeen installed so only family sims or sims that have an active "have baby" want will use the "try for baby" option. All other sims will woohoo as normal taking their chances. Birth control will be used accordingly for population control.
I used a dice randomizer and a random name generator for my determination round.

For my reference: Prosperity Challenge Rules

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