Last Round at at the Eich University rental, Annatto joined his sister, Angelica and her roommates. All of the inhabitants of the house got inducted into the secret society and Angelica, Kana and Flora graduated Summa Cum Laude in their respective majors. How will Annatto do with the addition of his little sister, Anise and her boyfriend, Keith to the house this round? Lets find out...
Anise and Keith arrived at the rental before Annatto had even gotten ready for the day... Annatto had only briefly met Keith so he was surprised when he saw him sitting at the kitchen table
Anise and Keith arrived on campus bright-eyed and busy-tailed and happy to begin their college careers
Anise and Keith jumped right into their studies
Both Anise and Keith declared Economics majors to go along with their fortune aspirations
They also had some time to follow other pursuits. Anise thought that starting a green house would be nice so that they would have fresh vegetables through the winter
By the end of her sophomore year, Anise had managed to earn her gold gardening badge. Maybe in the spring she would try and get into the garden club, she thought.
One evening, before it got too cold, Anise and Keith went to the university park to get to know some fellow students
They continued to socialize well into the evening, even though it was getting quite chilly out
While Anise chatted with several new friends, Keith decided to try his hand at fishing... turns out, he wasn't very good at it...
Annatto also talked Anise and Keith into pledging the Greek House even if they didn't plan on living there. The Silvervale kids really knew how to throw a party he told them
Frank Devivio, the de facto head of the house came by to pledge them in. It wasn't difficult for fellow Silvervale natives to get into the house.
Not everyone Keith and Anise met were as friendly as the students at the park or the Silvervale Greek House kids. There was this irritating rival mascot that kept harassing them
Also, one evening Keith got an unexpected knock at the door, a surly looking blonde demanded that he come with him
He was surprised when they pulled up to a mansion secluded at the far end of campus but was happy to recognize to recognize a lot of his friends
Keith introduced Anise so some of the new Secret Society members. He was excited to see her annoyance at getting abducted in the middle of the night like he did
Almost right on cue, An unfamiliar face showed up and Anise was as irritated as Keith had predicted at getting woken up in the middle of the night and taken to some unknown location
Despite her initial annoyance, Anise was excited to be included in one of the most elite clubs on campus
Graduation was drawing near for Annatto. After he finished up his finals, he decided to go out with Flora to celebrate his graduation. They met downtown at Bernard's Botanical dining for a nice dinner and dancing under the stars
Annatto also had another surprise up his sleeve for the love of his life. Flora was shocked when Annatto pulled out the black velvet box
Without any hesitation Flora said yes to Annatto's marriage proposal. They were excited to begin their life together
The next afternoon, Annatto called the taxi to take him back to Silvervale to live with his soon-to-be wife
Scoring: 1.5 points (1 point for Annatto graduating SCL, .5 points for Anise's gold gardening badge)
((I decided to play this university household first because I didn't want to have to play a round with Flora and Jack by themselves. So Annatto got back to the hood more quickly than originally planned. This house is pretty boring. Annatto actually finished up while Anise and Keith were still halfway through their freshman year. Anise and Keith took a lot of outings to pass the time, since they don't have all the goodies that the Greek house has to play with. I was a little worried when they pledged the Greek house because Keith went on a few dates with Victoria Hurt and he still has crush hearts for her. I didn't want there to be a jealousy issue between Keith and Anise and Victoria... luckily there wasn't. Here are a couple outtakes for you:
At least the cow mascot can be influenced to be good for something...
I generated a bunch more YA townies so I could incorporate Pookelt's Kids in Technicolor skintones into my hood so ... More YA fuglicide occurred this round at the SS lot.
We're off to visit Jack, Flora and Annatto next!))
Annatto and Flora look like they'll be giving you some cute kids :) Hopefully Anise will get in to the gardening club, and perhaps earn the wishing well if she's lucky.
I know what you mean about potentially boring households -- hope the soon-to-be married couple helps liven it up.
Their kids really are cute -- You'll see their first son in the next entry [hopefully tonight if I get the update written] :)
Yay Flora and Annatto!!! They will make positively gorgeous babies, and I adore them both. They might be a favorite new family for me. Isn't Bernard's Botanical dining the bestest place for engagements? *sighs wistfully, remembering Mari and Stella*
Nice kilt, Annatto.
Congratulations on the engagement, and thanks for the spoiler ;)
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