Tuesday, March 31, 2009

University E

Last round at Sim State Kurt, Tia, Serena and Amar graduated and moved back to Silvervale leaving Stella Terrano to look after the greek house until the Teer boys arrived. Addison came to sim state with his best friend Brittany Parker in tow, Wesley brought his girlfriend and 3 bolt match, Jeannie Vijayakar. Lets see how they did with their first half of university life.

((This is going to be a short update -- nothing out of the ordinary happened))

In their first night at Sim State the new-comers pledged and were accepted to the Annya Var Greek house. Addie was startled for some reason ::shrugs::

Here are the girls' makeovers and stats

Stella Terrano - Cancer
Knowledge (LTW: become a Space Pirate)
major: Physics

Jeannie Vijayakar - Taurus
Romance (LTW: become a Professional Party Guest)

Brittany Parker - Aquarius
Pleasure (LTW: become a Game Designer)

((Brittany was bugged when I moved them into the Uni lot -- she was still showing the "grow up" aspiration so I popped her into the orb and randomly rolled a Pleasure want for her))

Right away the kids declared their majors: ((I'll spare the screenshots)) Addie declared psychology, Wes, Jeannie and Brittany all declared art. Stella already had a major declared in physics.

I think Jeannie is a pleasure sim in disguise because she's always rolling up pleasure-ish wants, here she is juggling cups -- Wes follows her around like a lost puppy dog, it's disgustingly cute

Addie and Brittany decided they just weren't right for eachother over a game of chess

Addie had found his 2-bolter... any guesses???

Yup, it was Stella ((this was totally unintentional, I was actually going to move her back into the sim bin until the greek house needed a placeholder again, but Addie decided that he thought she was a hottie so I went with it))

Stella gave Addie his first kiss --- awwwww

Brittany needed a mate so I had her call up the matchmaker

The film and literature hobby guy fell out of the sky. The date wasn't going to so great, they didn't really have much in common

The date really tanked when the cow showed up and tried to flirt with Brittany

((Does anybody else thing the game is a little too rigid on how it defines cheating??))

Brittany ended the date before it got to flaming-bag-of-poo status however I don't think that this guy will be coming back unless someone in the house gets a film and literature plaque.

Despite the bad date, love was in the air at the Annya Var house. Wes and Jeannie did everything together... I thought romance sims wanted to be promiscuous but these two kept rolling wants to interact with one another

Addie and Stella's relationship continued to blossom

And after countless community lot visits, Brittany found a fellow redhead that she actually got along with -- William Wade ((I was kicking myself for not making any red-headed sims in CAS when I started this challenge so I needed a way to inject some gingers into my challenge))

William promptly joined the greek house

I don't have a portrait of William ((I'm sure you've seen him around your university neighborhood)) but he's a Leo personality, Popularity sim with a LTW to become a Hall of Famer. His major is Drama.

I don't know what I was doing, but the bills didn't get paid -- whoops!

The repo man bypassed the high power telescope, the hot tub, computers, big-screen TV, the exercise equipment, the pool table and all the other expensive items in the house and bee lined right for the upstairs shower... lol

Classes were attended and hobby plaques awarded -- Jeannie got her Arts & Crafts Plaque

Addison got one for Cuisine

And Brittany got one for Games

when the end of sophomore year rolled around Addison, Brittany and William all switched aspirations. Addie rolled a knowledge aspiration (YAY!)

His new Lifetime want is:

Brittany rerolled to Family

Brittany's new Lifetime want:

William also rerolled Family:

And his lifetime want is:

((I also took the liberty of changing their turn ons/offs so they are more compatible with their mates))

Scoring: 7 points (1 point each for adding Stella, Brittany, Jeannie and William, 1 point for Jeannie's A&C plaque, 1 point for Addie's Cuisine plaque, 1 point for Brittany's Games plaque)

# of Mascot fights this round: 9

((Well that's it for University for Round 6. I enjoy playing uni because it gives me an opportunity to get the kids more skills for their careers and also get a start on hobby plaques. At the end of this round I yoinked a remodel of the Landgrabbe mansion off of MATY to use as the greek house because the lot the original greek house was on was just too small. I will upload some screenshots and a link next round. I'm also going to start remodeling and possibly building my own dorms so the kids from Silvervale have access to nice things even if they can't life at the greek house. I'm undecided if I want to try the 10 kids IW with Brittany and William -- while I do want some red haired kids with freckles, neither of them have outstanding genetics so I'm scared that they won't have pretty babies. Brad Devivio and Tessa Ramirez are both really great looking so I'll almost definitely do the 10 kids IW for them and I don't want my population getting out of control too soon. Next round this group will graduate and we'll also see Janet Devivio and her boyfriend, Ricky Cormier move to Sim State. Off to Pamela Devivio's house next!))

Custom Content:
Brittany's Hair: **PAY** RoseSims **PAY**
Brittany's Freckles: by Goldbeere @ MTS2
Stella's Hair: Neena Tails by Nouk

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hoppes (R6)

Last round at the Hoppes household, Amar moved back in with his fiance Serena. They both were able to find jobs in their chosen fields on their first evening back at the house, Amar in Law Enforcement, and Serena in the Gamer career. Serena got knocked up and they had a shotgun wedding in the backyard. Serena was surprised when she gave birth to natural twins, Emmett and Marty. At the end of the week, Marty and Emmett transitioned into toddlers. Will Amar and Serena fall prey to the recent baby boom in Silvervale? Lets find out.

We'll start off this round with promotions:

Jill was feeling lonely so she decided that she'd ask her friend Makato on a date

I don't think Darryl appreciated Jill dating other men too much because that evening was the first night he's haunted for a long time. And of course, he went right to Jill for the scare

After all the first-day-of-the-round eventfulness... it was time for some toddler skilling

First talking

And then walking

The next day at work, Amar got a fantastic chance card

And achieved his lifetime want -- YAY!

((note that he brings Clayton Teer home from work again...))

Here's Amar's second lifetime want which probably won't happen unless someone has a really good tip about achieving it ((I will begin working on the 30 Best Friends impossible want for him though))

Fulfilling his lifetime want also enabled Amar to max out his lifetime aspiration benefits

Yay, he can now paint Grilled Cheese :)

Serena also got a promotion bringing her one step closer to her lifetime want

The thinking cap actually looks really appropriate with that outfit.

That evening it was time for the boys' birthdays

First Emmet transitioned ((he looks a lot like Serena))

Emmett Hoppes - Scorpio

And then Marty (in his pink PJ's)

Marty Hoppes - Gemini

After the birthday party there was a lightning storm that caught the bamboo out back on fire...

Unfortunately the bass guitar was in the way so Neil, the fireman, couldn't get to the fire to put it out ((ever her of extinguishing over top of the bass Neil???)). So to make a long story short... the family and the fireman stood outside alternately stamping their feet and freaking out about the fire until morning when every single stalk of bamboo had burned into a pile of ash and the fire finally went out on it's own. Their needs were all bottomed out by the time the fire was out I'm surprised I didn't lose any of them.

After they were all somewhat recovered and the boys went off to school, Serena had a few days off work and she thought she might like to try out Darryl's robotics bench

She earned both her bronze and silver robotics badges in a short time

Serena was enjoying the robotics bench so much that she earned a tinkering hobby plaque as well

That evening, while Jill was practicing her putting skills, she got an unwelcome visitor

Remember last round when Jill wished to cheat death? Well lets see if it worked shall we...

Looks like it worked... this time... Grimmy will be back for you Jill

After Jill successfully beat death, Serena came home with some more good news... she had been promoted to Game Designer thus fulfilling her lifetime want

Here is her new lifetime want

That's easy enough.

Despite all the commotion of the past couple days, Emmett and Marty managed to both bring home A+ from school

Did I mention that Amar started a garden in his spare time? Well he did and he earned his bronze badge in gardening. ((Also note that the bass guitar is no longer obstructing fireman access to the bamboo in the back yard))

He asked the garden club to come over and give him some pointers.

Even though he only had a bronze badge, Amar got admittance into the garden club and a small bonus to help him make their recommended changes

That evening, a very annoyed Grim Reaper came for Jill again...

Will she be able to defeat him again? Find out next time!

Scoring: 6 points (1 point for Amar reaching top of the law enforcement career, 3 points for Amar maxing out lifetime aspiration benefits, 1 point for Serena's tinkering plaque, 1 point for Serena reaching top of the Gamer career)

Household Net-Worth: 105,164

((That's it for the Hoppes. I needed to leave you all in suspense with Jill because this entry was somewhat boring. This house has very little room for expansion so I can't let Serena and Amar have any more kids until Jill croaks [which seems like it might take forever!]. They did get a nice shiney new basement though where the skilling and hobby related items are. After the fire I had to find something to do with those big bulky items that don't fit inside. I also wanted to make room for a greenhouse so Amar could have a shot at the wishing well for his impossible want. The boys are super adorable I can't wait until they are teens so I can see if they will work with their perspective matches. We're headed off to uni to check up on the Teer boys next!))